Calendar IASK

Created: Friday, 02 December 2011

Calendar of events related to establishment and development of the IASK with particular emphasis on the conference on “Sport Kinetics”

1988 – during an international scientific conference in Trassenheide (GDR) organised by prof. P. Hirtz and named by N .Bernstein, held on 3 November 1988 one of its participants, W. Starosta (Poland) reported and justified a proposal for establishment of the European Association of Sport Kinetics. The proposal has gained support of representatives from 7 countries (Bulgaria, CSSR, GDR, FRG, Switzerland, USSR and Poland). Appointed was a team that comprised representatives of three countries (GDR – R. Pohlmann, P. Hirtz; USSR
– V. Ljach; Poland – W. Starosta), which was to take up measures aimed at having the
– Association registered in one of those countries.

1990 - on 28 April in Rogi near Gorzów Wlkp. (Poland) during an international scientific conference entitled “Movement coordination in sport” organised by Local Faculty of Physical Education of the University School of Physical Education in Poznań (chairman of the Scientific Committee – prof. W. Starosta) representatives of five countries (CSSR, GDR, Poland, FRG, USSR) established the International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK). W. Starosta was appointed as its president, and vice-presidents were P. Hirtz and R. Daugs. The presidium comprised: P. Blaser, B. Czabański, K. Mekota, S. Pilicz, S. Starischka, J. Rostock. Over 60 persons participated in the conference. Presented were 45 papers of 50 authors (including 19 from abroad) from 17 scientific centres. For the first time a competition was held for the best paper of young research workers (the award was conferred to I. Dębczyńska).
Scientific Committe:- W.Starosta (chairman), members: R. Daugs (Germany), K. Fidelus (Poland), P. Hirtz (Germany), S. Pilicz (Poland), Z. Wazny (Poland).

1990 - at the turn of June and July W. Starosta prepared a logo for IASK which contained an outline of a jumping female ice skater with the Earth as background, surrounded by spaceships. Following minor modifications introduced by the author this logo has become a symbol of the Association and was presented on covers of the first two items published by the IASK Library.

1990 - at the end of the year two volumes of conference materials were published in Polish “Koordynacja ruchowa w sporcie” (“Movement coordination in Sport”) and in German (“Bewegungskoordination im Sport”), edited by W. Starosta. They contained 39 papers published under the auspices of the International Association of Sport Kinetics and in cooperation with PE University in Poznań – Local Faculty of Physical Education in Gorzów Wlkp. and the Institute of Sport in Warsaw.

1991 – at the turn of July and August in Dortmund (Germany) a joint Polish and German research was carried out concerning “Motor coordination abilities and their importance in diagnosing candidates for sport practice”. The research was conducted by two teams: prof. S. Starischka from the Institute of Sport Sciences in the University of Dortmund and prof. W. Starosta from the Local Physical Education Faculty in Gorzów Wlkp. and the Institute of Sport in Warsaw. Comprehensive tests comprised over 100 children and youth in Dortmund. Costs of arrival and stay of a 6-person team from Poland as well as costs of tests execution were covered by the University in Dortmund.

1991 – in issue 5 of the magazine called “Antropomotoryka” (Anthropokinetics) published was a paper of W. Starosta entitled “Causes for the establishment and scope of operation of the International Association for Sport Kinetics”.

1991 – international scientific cooperation was undertaken between the Institute of Sport in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education of the PE University in Poznań and the Institute of Sport Sciences in the University of Greifswald (prof. P. Hirtz). Joint research was executed in Germany and Poland related to sensitive and critical periods in the development of coordination abilities and mutual relation between some of them.

1991 – within a project (grant) obtained by the Slovak party undertaken was long term scientific cooperation between the Institute of Sport in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education of the PE University in Poznań and the Faculty of Pedagogy in Prešov of the University in Košice (prof. M. Belej). It was related to the level of selected coordination abilities in children attending primary schools. Research executed by prof. W. Starosta’s team covered over 1000 children from schools in Prešov.

1991 – on 16-19 September the second scientific conference was held under the auspices of IASK entitled “Sport Kinetics ‘91”, organised by prof. K. Mekota from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Palacky University in Olomouc (CSSR). The University was established in 1573. The thematic scope of the conference comprised three fundamental issues: “Sport kinetics as a science”, “Physical fitness of students in secondary school and universities”, “Learning motor activities”. Introductory papers were presented by: R. Malina, W. Starosta, K. Bos, J. Strel, A. Schmidt, R. Daugs. 84 persons took part in the conference, and presented their 69 papers. New management of IASK was appointed, headed by president, W. Starosta. The general meeting appointed: prof. G. Schnabel (Germany) and prof. S. Celikovsky (Czechoslovakia) as honorary members. IASK members from Poland appointed the IASK Polish Section, for which J. Raczek was chosen as president.
Sciemtific Committe: S. Ćelikovsky, K. Fromel, I. Havlićek, V. Hosek, J. Kasa, R. Kovar, K. Mekota, B. Svoboda, F. Vaverka (all from Czechoslovakia).

1991 – on 21-23 October under the auspices of IASK in Prešov (Słowacja) an international scientific conference was held entitled “Physical culture in changing living conditions of the society”. The initiator and director of the conference was prof. M. Belej.

1991 – on 29 November the voivodship court in Warsaw issued a decision to have the International Association of Sport Kinetics registered.

1991 – on 31 December prof. R. Grucza, director of the Institute of Sport in Warsaw, granted approval to have the seat of IASK located in the Institute premises.

1991 – as of issue 5 the Journal ”Antropomotoryka” published by the University of Physical Education in Cracow started to come out under the auspices of the IASK. Prof. J. Szopa was appointed editor in chief, and prof. prof. R. Kubica, J. Raczek, W. Starosta, E. Mleczko as members.

1992 - the Faculty of Physical Education of the Pedagogical Institute in Brest (Belarus) supported the organisation of the first international scientific conference entitled “Selected aspects of sport kinetics” under the auspices of IASK Representatives of 16 research institutes from 5 countries participated in it (Belarus, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, Slovakia). Presented were 40 papers published in the monograph (272 pp.), edited by W. Starosta and N. Pristupa.

1993 – the third conference from the series related to “Sport Kinetics – ‘93” organised on 8-11 September by prof. W. Osiński and W. Starosta in the PE University in Poznań was of an exceptional nature and as regards its progress. Firstly, it was a part of celebrations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of establishment of this university. Secondly, P. Łączkowski, the vice prime minister of the Republic of Poland, was the chairman of the Honorary Committee. Thirdly, over 120 experts from 14 countries worldwide (the Czech Republic, Belarus, Croatia, India, Israel, Kuwait, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the USA) participated in it. The conference was co-organised by the Institute of Sport in Warsaw. The thematic scope of the conference covered four groups: “Movement coordination in physical education and sport”, “Learning and improving of sport technique”, “Development of human motor ability and their conditions”, “Physical fitness of children and young people”, “Diagnosis of motor fitness”, “Sport kinetics as a branch of science”. Part of General Assemly connected with election a new IASK presidium was conducted by Prof. R. Grucza (in English) and Prof. B. Woltmann (in German). For the first time the IASK General Assembly appointed as many as 4 honorary members: prof. L. Chkhaidze (Georgia-Russia), H. Rieder (Germany), R. Schmidt (USA), R. Trześniowski (Poland). Conference materials in the form of a monograph (763 pp.) were published in English and German, edited by W. Osiński and W. Starosta.
Scientific Committee prof. prof. W. Starosta (chairman), members: R. Daugs (Germany), R. Grucza (Poland), P. Hirtz (Germany), H. Kemper (Netherland), W. Osiński (Poland), S. Pilicz (Poland), S. Starischka (Germany), J. Szopa (Poland).

1995 – in May under the auspices of IASK J. Bergier, PhD, and J. Sadowski PhD, employees of the Institute of Sport and Physical Education of the Warsaw PE University in Biała Podlaska (Poland), organised an international conference entitled “Science in Sport Team Games”. 76 representatives of 11 countries participated in this conference, and presented 67 papers. Introductory papers were presented by prof. prof.: Z. Naglak, A. Ronikier, W. Starosta. As many as 65 works were then published in a special monograph (596 pp.) in German, Russian and Poish, edited by J. Bergier, PhD. The Honorary Committee was composed of: Polish Olympic Committee president, president of the Polish Football Association PZPN, Dean of the PE University in Warsaw, bi/alsko podlaski region voivode.
Scientific Committee prof. prof. T. Ulatowski (chairman), W. Starosta (vice-chairman), members: M. Belej (Slovakia), M. Bril (Russia), J. Czerwiński (Poland), P.Hirtz (Germany), Z. Naglak (Poland), Z. Ważny (Poland).

1995 – the fourth conference “Sport Kinetics ‘95” was held in Prague on 13-16 September. The conference was organised by the Faculty of Physical Education of the Charles University (prof. R. Kovar) under the auspices of IASK and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education of the Czech Republic. Introductory papers were presented by: P. Oja, R. Daugs, W. Starosta, P. Hirtz. Representatives of 10 countries presented almost 100 works, which were then published in English in a special monograph edited by J. Chytraćkova and M. Kohoutek (525 pp). W. Starosta proposed a plan for establishing 4 problem commission at the IASK presidium for means of execution of specific task areas.
Scientific Committee prof. prof. W. Starosta (Poland), P. Hirtz (Germany), K. Mekota),, P. Blachus, M. Kućera(all from Czech Republik), R. Daugs (Germany), V. Klissouras (Grecee), P. Oja (Finland), P. Rehor (USA).

1996 – the International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK) became a member of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE - No B163-1) which is a kind of a specific UN organisation with respect to sciences related to physical culture and which currently comprises over 360 various Associations, Federations, Ministries, Universities etc. Prof. G. Doll-Tepper has been its exceptionally active president on an international arena for years now.

1996 – on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of N.A. Bernstein, a distinguished and famous scientist, in Zinnowitz/Usedom (Germany) the second international scientific conference took place, called “Movement coordination – sport achievements reviewed in integration” under the IASK patronage. Its organiser was prof. P. Hirtz. Sessions took place in the following sections: 1. Technique training in place of measurement. 2. Quantitative indicators in coordination studies. 3. Capabilities and predispositions to having achievements in sport and work. 4. Updating findings of N.A. Bernstein. Scientists from 6 countries participated in the conference, including also from USA. The invited lecturers included two students of N.A. Bernstein, and namely prof. K. Fidelus (Poland) and prof. J. Feingenberg (Israel).

1997 – the fifth consequent conference “Sport Kinetics ‘97” took place in Magdeburg. Its organiser was prof. P. Blaser from the Institute of Sport Sciences in Magdeburg (Germany). The main topic was: “Theories of Human Motor Performance and their Reflections in Practice”. In many ways this was a record breaking conference, as almost 200 experts from 23 countries worldwide participated in it, and presented 135 papers in 5 sections. For the first time meetings were held in a section dedicated to “Manifestation of motor abilities in dancing and while playing on various instruments”. This section presented exceptionally interesting issues which are not universally known and seldom taken up. The invited lecturers included among others prof. R. A. Schmidt from the USA. Conference materials were used to compile two monographs (564 pp.) published by the German Federation of Sport Sciences edited by prof. P. Blaser. Prof. F. Fetz from Austria was elected a honorary member.
Scientific Committeprof. prof. W.Starosta (chairman), members: P. Blaser (Germany), R. Daugs (Germany), F. Fetz (Austria), H. Heuer (Germany), P. Hirtz (Germany), K. Hormann (Germany), A. Hotz (Switzerland), J. Innenmoser (Germany), R. Kovar (Czechoslovakia), V. Ljach (Russia), G. Schnabel (Germany), S. Starischka (Germany).

1998 – at the end of September under the auspices of IASK in Biała Podlaska (Poland) a scientific conference was held entitled “Movement coordination in sport games and combat sports”. The organiser was J. Sadowski, PhD, from the Institute of Physical Education and Sport of the Warsaw PE University. Almost 100 participants of 9 countries presented 80 papers, of which 59 were published in a monograph issued in English, edited by J. Sadowski and W. Starosta. Introductory papers were presented by prof. prof. T. Reilly (Great Britain), L. Sergienko (Ukraine) and W. Starosta (Poland), J. Raczek (Poland).
Scientific Committee – prof. prof. W. Starosta (chairman), members: J. Czerwiński (Poland), P. Hirtz (Germany), E. Jaskólski (Poland), W. Ljach (Russia), Z. Naglak (Poland), J. Raczek (Poland), T. Reilly (Great Britain)), T. Rosandich (USA), D. Rybakow (Russia), L. Siergienko (Ukraine), H. Sozański (Poland), J. Szopa (Poland).

1998 – at the turn of September and October in Minsk (Belarus) under the auspices of IASK an international conference took place entitled “Physical education and the health of youth at the turn of the centuries”. Its organiser was asst. prof. A. Skripko from the Belarus University of Technology in Minsk. Co-organisers were: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Institute of Sport in Warsaw. The sessions were held in four sections: “Physical Education and sport in educational systems of various countries”; “Technology of physical education and sport training”, “Medicobiological and psychological problems of physical education”; “Physical culture and sport as means of rehabilitation and recreation”. Approximately 70 papers from 15 countries were presented.
Scientific Committee – W.Starosta (chairman), members: A. Gużałowski (Belarus), J. Innenmoser (Germany), T. Jurimae (Estonia), W. Osiński (Poland), S. Starischka (Germany), J. Drabik (Poland), R. Grucza (Poland), I. Murawow (Ukraine), M.Belej (Slovakia), L. Siemionow (Russia), I. Ratow (Russia), H. Kemper (Nederland), V. Sokołow (Russia), C. Istvanfi (Hungary), R. Żbankow (Belarus).

1999 – the subsequent conference, “Sport Kinetics ‘99”, was held in Ljubljana, and was organised by prof. B. Jośt from the Faculty of Sport of the University in Ljubljana (Slovenia). The main subject was: “Theories of Human Motor Performance and their Reflections in Practice”, which comprised 6 thematic groups: motor behaviour and school sport, competitive sport, rehabilitation, recreation, health, methodology and measurement methods. Approximately 150 persons from 19 countries worldwide participated in the conference. For the first time participated also experts from Greece, Belgium and Holland. Presented were 184 papers, the major part of which was published in English in a 2-volume issue which was edited by V. Strojnik and A. Uśaj. The General Assembly introduced changes to the statute of IASK: by increasing the number of vice presidents to four persons powers of national divisions were extended, members without the professor title were granted the candidate status, and honorary members were exempt from charges. Prof. R. Malina and V. Zatsiorski from the USA were elected honorary members.
Scientific Committee – prof. prof. W.Starosta (chairman), members: P. Blaser (Germany), M. Ćoh (Slovenia), P. Hirtz (Germany), T. Jurimae (Estonia), H. Kemper (Holland), D. Milanović (Croatia), W. Osiński (Poland), J. Tihanyi (Hungary), F. Vaverka (Czech Republic).

2000 – on 23-24 September under IASK patronage an international congress was held in Bologna (Italy) entitled “Movement coordination in sport and exercises”. It was organised by A. Cicchella, PhD, from the Faculty of Science Related to Motor Abilities of the Bologna University. Over 150 persons from 5 countries took part in the congress. During the plenary sessions papers were presented by: W. Starosta (Poland), A. Hotz (Switzerland), P. Blaser, A. Hoekelmann, G. Schnabel, P. Hirtz, S. Starischka (all from Germany), G. Carbonaro, A. Madella, F. Merni, A. Cicchella, E. Bianchi, P. Brasili, S. Toselli (all from Italy). Under the auspices of: IASK, Faculty of Sport Sciences of the Bologna University and the Sport Centre of the Bologna University 20 selected works were published in a special monograph (374 pages) in Italian and English. The Scientific Committee comprised: W. Starosta, F. Merni, F. Franceschetti, G. Carbonaro, A. Cicchella.

2001 – in Tartu (Estonia) the next international conference “Sport Kinetics ‘2001” took place. Prof. T. Jurimae from the Faculty of Sciences related to Movement and Exercises of the University in Tartu was appointed Director of this conference. The subject of the conference was “Human movements as a science in a new millennium”. Over 150 persons from 22 countries participated in this conference – for the first time from Botswana, Iran, Philippines, Hungary, France, Belgium, Canada, Norway. Presented were 123 papers, a part of which were published in “Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis”. The introductory papers were presented by: A. Claessens, G. Kemper, P. Komi, P. Oja, J. Skinner, W. Starosta, P. Tiidus. The General Assembly appointed as honorary members prof. prof. P. Komi (Finland) and J. Skinner (USA). The international jury warded IASK prizes and awards to 9 young scientific workers from three countries.
Scientific Committee – prof. prof. W. Starosta (chairman), members: J. Borms (Belgium), A. Hills (Australia), P. Komi (Finland), J. Skinner (USA), S. Blair (USA), N. Armstrong (Great Britain), P.Oja (Finland), K. Sudi (Austria), J. Jurimae (Estonia), A. Claessens (Belgium), H. Kemper (Holland), P. Blaser (Germany), B. Jośt (Slovenia), Oded Bar-Or (Canada), W. Osiński (Poland), D. Milanovic (Croatia).

2003 – the eighth “Sport Kinetics ‘2003” conference took place in Rydzyn near Leszno (Poland). Director of the conference was prof. W. Osiński, who within a period of 12 months prepared it with absolute perfection and delivered it, setting up simultaneously a specific record in this respect. Subjects of the conference were: “New concepts in sport related sciences” and “Aging versus physical activity in fitness, sport and health”. Over 200 persons from 25 countries of Europe, USA, Asia and Africa, for the first time from India, Nigeria, Serbia and Montenegro participated in the conference. Presented were 176 papers, the majority of which were included in a 2-volume monograph edited by W. Starosta and W. Osiński as a subsequent volume of the IASK Library. The introductory papers were presented among others by T. Reilly, T. Jurimae, W. Starosta, R. Malina. The Honorary Committee comprised among others the president of the World Council of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, president of the Sport Academy of the USA, Minister of National Education and Sport, minister of Science, secretary of the Office of the Council of Ministers, president of the Polish Olympic Committee, president of the Polish Sport Confederation.
Scientific Committee – prof. prof. W. Starosta (chairman), W. Osiński (vice-chairman), memebers: P. Blaser (Germany), M. Belej (Slovakia), J. Borms (Belgium), R. Daugs (Germany), J. Drabik (Poland), S. Drozdowski (Poland), P. Hirtz (Germany), B. Jośt (Slovenia), T. Jurimae (Estonia), H. Kemper (Holland), P. Komi (Finland), R. Malina (USA), D. Milanović (Croatia), J. Mester (Germany), E. Mleczko (Poland), J. Raczek (Poland), T. Reilly (Great Britain), J. Skinner (USA), J. Szopa (Poland), S. Squatrito (Italy), R. Strzelczyk (Poland), V. Zatsiorski (Russia – USA).

2004 – prof. W. Starosta, president of IASK, was elected adviser to the Scientific Committee of the Pre-Olympic Congress organised in the Thessaloniki University (Greece) under the auspices of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE).

2005 – in September under the auspices of IASK prof. J. Sadowski from the Faculty of Physical Education in the University School of Physical Education in Warsaw organised in Biała Podlaska (Poland) an international conference entitled “Coordination motor abilities in scientific research”. During the conference presented were 68 papers of authors coming from 8 countries, including also from Japan. Those works were published in the monograph which constitutes the 20th volume of the IASK Library edited by J. Sadowski.

2005 - prof. W. Starosta was elected for a four-year term of office as member of the Executory Committee and co-ordinator of ICSSPE for Eastern Europe.

2005 – prof. S. Squatrito, dean of the Faculty of Sport and Exercises Sciences of the Bologna University, established in 1088, was appointed as organiser and director of the subsequent conference “9. Sport Kinetics ‘2005”. This was the very first conference organised in a Western European country. It took place in a well known Rimini health resort, which houses the local University faculty. The subject of the conference was: “Scientific fundaments of human science”. In many ways this conference was record breaking. The Scientific Committee comprised distinguished scientists from 17 countries of the world. Presented were 260 papers by almost 600 authors from 32 countries worldwide, for the first time from Israel, Romania, China, Mexico, Sweden, France. During plenary sessions lectures were held by 28 invited authors, whose majority are in the global lead as regards sport related sciences (among others P. Blaser, P. Hirtz, R. Malina, H. Kemper, W. Osiński, J. Skinner, V. Zatsiorski, N. Wolanski, J. Feigenberg). The conference materials were published in the form of a 2-volume monograph as volume 21 of the IASK Library in English, edited by W. Starosta and S. Squatrito. From among almost 300 papers in the monograph only ca. 200 were publish. As honorary members elected were prof. prof.: N. Wolański (Poland) and J. Feigenberg (Israel).
Scientific Committee – prof. prof. W. Starosta (chairman), members: P. Blaser (Germany), M. Belej (Slovakia), D. Beunen (Belgium), J. Borms (Belgium), A. Claessens (Belgium), J. Feigenberg (Izrael), P. Hirtz (Germany), T. Jurimae (Estonia), H. Kemper (Holland), V. Ljach (Russia), P. Komi (Finland), R. Malina (USA), K. Mekota (Czech Republic), D. Milanović (Croatia), J. Mester (Germany), W. Osiński (Poland), T. Reilly (Great Britain), L. Sergienko (Ukraine), J. Skinner (USA), J. Szopa (Poland), S. Squatrito (Italy), P. Di Prampero (Italy), F. Figura (Italy), N. Wolański (Mexico-Poland).

2007 – the subsequent jubilee conference “10. Sport Kinetics 2007” will take place in Belgrade (Serbia). Its director will be prof. B. Jevtić, who is an employee of the Department of Sport and Physical Education of the University in Belgrade. Its jubilee nature will be a result of two aspects, and namely the number of 10 conferences organised in the series and 15 years of existence of IASK. The subject of this conference will be: “New results of researches for scientific fundaments of human movement and sport training”. Introductory papers will be presented by prof. prof.: P. Blaser, A. Hoekelmann, P. Hirtz (all from Germany), A. Claessens (Belgium), H. Kemper (Holland); C. Papadopoulos (Greece), W. Starosta (Poland).

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