Regulations of young researchers of competition

Created: Saturday, 03 December 2011

Regulations of competition for young researchers organised within "Sport Kinetics" conferences for the IASK President Cup


The aim of the competition is to award honourable mention for promising young researchers. The honourable mention awarded in the competition aims to encourage further intensive and creative work and to act as an element supporting promotion in scientific career.

Rules of the competition:

1. Rules of participation in the competition. Only individuals who take active part in a given conference “Sport Kinetics” and who fulfil the following criteria may compete for honourable mention in the competition:

a) They presented independent research paper within oral or poster presentation session. Only a candidate himself/herself may be the author of the paper to be honoured or it can be a team-work (several authors),

b) The applicant for the competition must not be over 35 years,

c) The applicant for the competition submits “Young researcher’s assessment sheet” to the chairman of a given oral or poster presentation session of the conference (before start). The sheet is a declaration of will of taking part in the competition (Attachment 1).

d) In the “Young researcher’s assessment sheet” the candidate gives full name, institution where he/she is employed, age, authors and title of presentation in the session (oral or poster presentation), room, day and time of presentation as well as surname of chairman of a given session. The candidate confirms the data by placing his/her signature,

e) The participant in the competition who presents his/her papers in poster presentation should collect appropriate additional sheet of participation in the competition and place it in visible place at presented poster.

2. Assessment criteria. The following assessment criteria of each person and research paper submitted for the competition shall apply:

a) scientific (research ) value,

b) scientific justification and interpretations in the light of world literature of the problem,

c) Originality of research methods and correctness of choice of research material,

d) Way of presenting research paper:

- Clarity and care of statement,

- Correctness of statement in English,

- Ability to focus listeners’ attention on the problem,

- Scientific correctness of interpretation of obtained research results,

- Content-related and aesthetic value, attractiveness of presentation,

e) Originality and correctness of research conclusions and their value for the development of research,

f) Way of speaking during discussion on the paper (very important!),

3.Organisational procedure of assessment. The chairman of a given oral or poster presentation session submits filled out assessment sheet to the conference secretariat immediately after the end of the session. The assessment of paper is confidential, that is, it is not known to the candidate or any other person before it is officially announced. The chairman of the session and conference secretariat must not provide any information in this respect.

4. Responsibilities of the secretariat. “Sport Kinetics” conference secretariat shall:

a) inform researchers about the possibility of taking part in the competition for young researchers,

b) provide the interested young researchers during registration with “Young researcher’s assessment sheet”, together with suitable information, and candidates who present papers in poster session with suitable additional (colour) sheet of participation in the conference to be placed in a visible place at presented poster,

c) collect filled out “Young researcher’s assessment sheets” from chairmen of each session (oral or poster presentation) immediately after its end,

d) submit all filled out “Young researcher’s assessment sheets” to the chairman of the Competition Committee for young researchers,

e) Conference secretariat prepares diplomas for honoured young researchers on the basis of minutes submitted by the Chairman of the Competition Committee and presents diplomas to be signed by the IASK President, Conference Director and Chairman of the Competition Committee for young researchers,

5. Rules of Committee operation. Competition Committee for young researchers makes decisions about honouring young researchers during its meeting.

a) Committee is composed of 3 persons appointed earlier by IASK presidium under the direction of the chairman,

b) Committee is guided only by objectivity and content-related aspects,

c) Committee makes decisions about the choice of given persons on the basis of opinions gathered from chairmen of scientific sessions and Committee’s best knowledge,

d) Minutes are prepared from the meeting. The minutes may be prepared by a non-member of the Committee.

6.Number of honourable mentions. During one edition of the competition (“Sport Kinetics” conference) no more than one cup and 5 honourable mentions for oral presentation and no more than one cup and 5 honourable mentions for poster presentation may be awarded.

7.Forms of honourable mentions. Each person honoured and awarded with a cup receives a special diploma signed by the Chairman of the Competition Committee for young researchers, IASK President and “Sport Kinetics” Conference Director. Other forms of awards may be granted apart from Cup and diploma.


IASK President

Prof. Dr habil. Włodzimierz Starosta




1) Specimen of "Young researcher's assessment sheet"


(pts. 1 to 8 to be filled by the Candidate to be honoured)


1. Full name: ........................................................................

2. Institution: ......................................................................

3. Date of birth: ..................................................................

4) Author/s of presentation: .................................................

5) Title of presentation: .......................................................


6) Date and time of presentation: .........................................

7) Session and room of presentation: ....................................

8) Chairman of a given session: .............................................

*- under 35

Signature of candidate to be honoured



......................................, date: ......../......../20....




  1. Value and scientific justification of the paper (1 to 5pts.) ..........
  2. Originality of research methods and correctness of choice of Research material (1 to 5pts) .........
  3. Way of presenting research paper and preparation of slides (1 to 5pts) ..........
  4. Originality and correctness of scientific conclusions (1 to 5pts) ...........
  5. Correctness of answers for questions asked in discussion (1 to 12pts) ..........

TOTAL: ............


Indications to award honourable mention to a given person (underline the appropriate):

  • outstanding and undoubtedly deserves to be honoured
  • Good and deserves to be honoured
  • Appropriate and it is doubtful whether to be honoured
  • No grounds to be honoured

Other information and remarks: .................................................................................


Chairman of Scientific Session:

Full name ......................................................

Date and signature ........................................

.........................................., date: ...../...../20....

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