Short information about International Association of Sport Kinetics
On 28 April 1990 a new organization, Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK ), was founded at a international scientific conference: “Movement coordination in sport” in Rogi near Gorzów (Poland).
Prof. Dr. hab. Włodzimierz Starosta (Poland) was elected the first president of the new scientific organization, and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Daugs (West Germany) and Prof. Dr. hab. Peter Hirtz (East Germany - DDR) became vice- presidents. Until now, after 25 years organised more than 80 international scienfics conferences, or patronized more than fifty five international scientific conferences. At first, IASK focused its activity on the territory of post-communist countries. It was organized cyclical 12 “Sport Kinetics” international scientific conferences in different countries: Rogi/Gorzów (Poland, 1990), Olomouc (Czechosłovakia, 1991), Poznań (Poland, 1993), Praha (Czech Republik, 1995), Magdeburg (Germany, 1997), Lubljana (Slovenia, 1999), Tartu (Estonia, 2001), Rydzyna (Poland, 2003), Rimini (Italy, 2005), Belgrade (Serbia, 2007), Halkidiki (Greece, 2009), Krakow (Poland, 2011).
Now, it is an association bringing together more than 460 members from 59 countries all over the world. Not only do we desire to organize cyclical conferences “Sport Kinetics” and scientific congresses, but also to establish regular information and concept exchange in the large, now a family of people; the people who devote their lives to scientific research on human movement behaviour and physical fitness. We seek scholars of more and more recent disciplines and from various parts of the world to join our activity. Since 1996 IASK has been the membership of International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.
The honorary members of IASK are world famous scientists professor: Gunter Schnabel (Germany), Stanislav Ćelikovski (Czechoslovakia), Levan Tschaidze (Georgia – Russia), Hermann Rieder (Germany), Richard Schmidt (USA) , Roman Trześniowski (Poland), Friedrich Fetz (Austria), Han Kemper (The Netherlands), Robert Malina (USA), Vladimir Zatsiorski (Russia-USA), Thomas Reilly (Great Britain), Paavo Komi (Finland), James Skinner (USA), Napoleon Wolański (Poland), Josif Feigenberg (Russia – Israel), Vassilis Klissouras (Greece), Peter Hirtz (Germany).
During the General Meeting of IASK of 24 September 2011 in Cracow (Poland) new Presidium was chosen for period 2011-2013: W. Starosta (Poland) – President; A. Cicchella (Italy), C. Gevat (Romania), B. Jevtić (Serbia), W. Osiński (Poland)- vice- presidents; General Secretary – J. Konarski (Poland); Treaser – K. Anioł-Strzyżewska (Poland); L. Georgescu (Romania), B. Jośt (Slovenia), C. Peixoto (Portugal),T. Skoblikova (Russia) –members. Control Commission: R. Szeklicki (Poland) – chairman, T. Socha (Poland), V. Psalman (Slovakia)–members.
Aims and functions
The aim of the Association will be creating appropriate conditions for further development of human movement science and sport kinetics as a scientific discipline which constitutes a fundamental element in sciences related to sport. IASK will be striving at interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists from numerous related disciplines of science and elementary sciences.The aim of the association is to promote and further develop various branches of scientific research focusing on how to get to know human movement behaviour and physical fitness better. The association concentrates on the problems of movement, physical and health development of children and the young, as well as of adults and the elderly. IASK is specifically interested in movement and physical fitness of sportsmen going in for various disciplines. This in particular, requires us to encourage regular discussions on general, theoretical conception, specific terminology and methods of diagnosing movement development, as well as to study and disseminate physical activity patterns for people at various age. Working towards these goals, the association aims at co-operation and information exchange, and provides conditions for scientific, interdisciplinary discussions among researchers of various branches of basic and applied science.
Its main tasks IASK defines as follows:
- To integrate the efforts of people carrying out scientific research within such disciplines and areas as: human movement behaviour, movement activity, physical fitness, physical activity, anthropomotorics, kinesiology, anthropokinesiology, kinanthropometry, movement control and learning, movement ontogenesis, movement coordination, movement therapy, movement diagnostics, and also biomechanics, ergonomics, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, epidemiology, and social sciences related to physical activity, nutrition research related to physical fitness, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport medicine.
- To co-operate with other international organizations, institutions and assemblies to improving information exchange and to raising the level of scientific research in the area of interest.
- To promote and support young researchers in particular, tackling issues of human movement behaviour, physical fitness and physical activity.
- To initiate and organize the international exchange of information, publications as well as international conferences, congresses, seminars, schools and meetings.
- Encouraging and supporting research on human movement science, sport kinetics and deploying the achieved results in practice;
- Integration of endeavours of all persons handling human movement science, sport kinetics, anthropomotorics, anthropokinesiology, kinesiology and movement teaching – in particular countries;
- Initiating interdisciplinary cooperation with representatives of related scientific disciplines (neurophysiology, pathophysiology, sport psychology, movement rehabilitation, rehabilitation pedagogy, training methodology, school teaching methodology and many others);
- Cooperation with other international institutions, organisations and bodies. As regards the subject matter, IASK focuses on:
- movement development of children, youth, women and men, as well as older persons,and possibilities of influencing that development;
- elaboration, discussing and promotion of terms characteristic for human movement science and sport kinetics;
- execution of specialised directional studies, in particular diagnosing methods (including proposing an international movement test for persons in different age groups);
- determination of the impact of sport and movement activity, as well as the potential and movement abilities on important elements in the process of learning and teaching;
- elaboration of scientific verification and approval of models that justify and support sport and movement activity;
- development of movement abilities of impaired children, disabled children and those with various aberrations, in combination with psychomotor diagnosing and a therapeutic programme;
- movement activity comprised by “traditional” and “new sport disciplines”.
IASK also officially patronizes the publishing in English of three Journals:
“Human Kinetics” edited by University School of Physical Education in Katowice (Poland). Chairman of Editorial Board - Prof. Z. Waśkiewicz;
“Anthropomotorics – Anthropokinesiology” edited by University School of Physical Education in Krakow (Poland). Chairman of Editorial Board – Prof. E. Mleczko;
“Kinesiologia Slovenica” edited by Institute Kinesiology University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Chairman of Editorial Board – Prof. M. Ćoh); ”Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts” Edited by Medsportpress – Chairman of Editoral Board – Dr. W. Błach (Poland).
From IASK establish was organized special library in which in year 1990 – 2011 was published 37 monographs in 5 languages of different scientific problems connected with human movement science and specially with sport kinesiology.
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