Prof. Dr. Han CG Kemper
Professor Han CG Kemper is born in 1941 in Amsterdam and married with G. Bertheke Post. He is the father of two daughters: Ilse and Birgit and a grandfather of five grandchildren: Ruben, Sten, Kirsi, Tom and Jim. Han CG Kemper changed career from teaching in physical education (St Ignatius College in Amsterdam1963- 1973) to an academic position as exercise physiologist at the University of Amsterdam (1965-1980).He teached sports physiology at the Central Institute for Sport Coaches (CIOS) in Overveen (1968-1971) and at Higher Institute for Physical Education (KALO) in Tilburg (1971-1985).
Kemper HCG, Koppes, LLJ. Linking physical activity and aerobic fitness: Are we active because we are fit, or are we fit because we are active? Pediatric Exercise Science 2006; 18: 173-181. Kemper HCG. European paediatric work physiology. In Memoriam; remembering a cherished friend and colleague Odede Bar-Or (1936-2005) Pediatric Exercise Science 2006;18: 155-156 Wormgoor MEA, Indahl A, van Tulder MW, Kemper HCG.
Functioning description according to the ICF model in chronic back pain: disablement appears even more complex with decreasing symptom-specifity. J Rehabil Med 2006;38: 93-99
Bakker I, Uiterlinden AG, Twisk JWR, Van Mechelen W, Pols HAP, Kemper HCG
Genetic determinants and gene-environment interactions in relation to the 10-year longitudinal development of lumbar bone mineral density in (young) adults.
Human Movement 2006;vol 7, 2: 93-104
Monyeki MA, Koppes LLJ, Twisk JWR., Monyeki KD, Kemper HCG.
The role of physical activity in the relationship between malnutrition and body composition in rural south African children: The Ellisras Longitudinal Study. African Journal for physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance 2006; 2: 161-17
Kemper HCG. The aerobic fitness and physical activity paradox: are we fit because we are active, or are we active because we are fit? Aging and physical activity 2006; 4: S26 ISBN 83 923916 2 4. Kemper, H.C.G. The aerobic fitness and physical activity paradox: are we fit because we are active, or are we active because we are fit?
Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism 2006; 13, supplement: 25-28
Kemper HCG. The aerobic fitness and physical activity paradox: are we fit because we are active, or are we active because we are fit? Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 2007, vol 13 suppl. 25-28.
Monyeki MA, HCG Kemper. Is there a positive relationship between fysical fitness and physical activity in children ? A brief Journal of exercise science an physiotherapy, 2007; 3, 1: 12-17.
MA Monyeki, HCG Kemper. Is there a positive relationship between physical fitness and physical activity in children? A brief review. Journal of Exercise science and physiotherapy. 2007; 3,1: 12-17
Makgae, P.J., Monyeki, K.D., Brits, S.J., Kemper, H.C.G., Mashita, J.
Somatotype and bloodpressure of rural South African children aged 6-13 years: Ellisras longitudinal growth and health study. Annals of Human Biology, 2007; 34,2: 240-252
Monyeki, M.A., Koppes, L.L.J., Monyeki, K.D., Kemper, H.C.G., Twisk, J.W.R.
Longitudinal relationships between nutritional status, body composition, and physical fitness in rural children of South Africa: The Ellisras Longitunal Study. American Journal of Human Biology, 2007; 19: 551-558
Monyeki, M.A., Kemper, H.C.G. Is there a positive relationship between physical fitness and physical activity in children: a brief review. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy 2007; 3,1: 12-16
Aberberga Augskalme, L., Kemper,HCG. Longitudinal relationship between cardiovascular functioning and peak height velocity during exercise in 7 to 16 year old boys and girls. Human Movement, 2007;8,1: 1-7
Wormgoor ME, Indahl A, van Tulder MW, Kemper HCG. 2008 The impact of aerobic fitness on functioning in chronic back pain. Eur Spine J. 17, 4: 475-483
Kemper, HCG. Physical activity, physical fitness and bone health Chapter 27. in Pediatric exercise science and medicine. Armstrong N, Mechelen W van (eds) second edition Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2008; 365-375 ISBN 978-0-19-923248-2
Falk B, Kemper HCG, Praagh E van. Oded Bar-Or Science and beyond and the European Group of Paediatric Work Physiology in: Children and Exercise XXIV, the proceedings of the 24th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting . eds T Jurimae, N Armstrong 2008; 2:9-16
Monyeki KD., Kemper HCG. The risk factors for elevated blood pressure and how to address cardiovascular risk factors: a review in paediatric populations. J of Human Hypertension. 2008; 22, 7: 450-459
Monyeki, KD, Kemper HCG,. Makgae PJ, Relationship between fat patterns, physical fitness and blood pressure of rural South African children: Ellisras Longitudinal Growth and Health Study J of Hum Hypertension. 2008; 22, 5: 311-31
Monyeki KD, Makgae PJ, Mashita J, Kemper HCG Relationship between physique, under nutrition, physical fitness and blood pressure of boys aged 6 to 14 years: Ellisras Longitudinal Growth and Health Study. African Journal for physical, health education, recreation and dance,2008; 14, 3: 310-326.
He finished his PhD at the Free University in Brussels (Belgium) in 1968. Title of his thesis is :?Experimental research into the effects of differential training (force, speed, coordination and endurance) methods on standardized arm movements?. In 1985 he was appointed as full professor at the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije University in Amsterdam. His chair was teaching and research of Health Science with respect to physical activity?. In 1996 he joined the VU University Medical Center in the EMGO+ Institute for Care and Health Research. He was the principle investigator of the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study from 1974 till 2004. With his research group he published more than 350 articles in international journals and 10 books ( or chapters in books). He is the European Editor of Pediatric Exercise Science ( USA) since 1995. Since 1998 he is member of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) and president of a standing committee about ?relationship between physical activity and physical environment?. Han CG Kemper received three honorary degrees from universities in London in 1998 (UK), Budapest (Hungary) in 2001 and Riga (Latvia) in 2004. In 2002 he received in St Louis (USA) the citation award from the prestigious American College of Sports Medicine based upon his publication records in the field of Sports and Exercise Sciences. His citation records in 2009 from the ISI Web of Knowledge amounts more than 4000 citations from 200 articles. The average citation per article is 19.5 and his Hirsch (H) Index is 32. Since his official retirement in April 2004, he reduced his non-fiction writing in favour of fiction; something which started as a hobby- writing fairy tales for his grandchildren- and which he hopes to develop. e-mail addresses :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (home); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (work)
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