Results of competitions young

Created: Saturday, 03 December 2011


Results of competitions for the best papers of young scientists organized on “Sport Kinetics” conferences in 1990-2005 years

1990 – „1. Sport Kinetics 1990” Rogi / Gorzów (Poland)

Chairman of International Conference Jury: Prof. Dr Reinhard Daugs (Germany)

I place – Iwona Dębczyńska (University of Physical Education in Poznań, lnstitute of Physical Education in Gorzów, Poland)

Distinguishing – Michał Bajdziński (University of Physical Education in Poznań, lnstitute of Physical Education in Gorzów,Poland)

Sponsors of prizes: prof. prof. R. Daugs, W. Starosta

1991 – „2. Sport Kinetics 1991”, Olomouc (Czechoslovakia)

One of distinguish paper was presented  by Iwona Dębczyńska (University of Physical Education in Poznań – Institute of Physical Education in Gorzów, Poland).

 1993 - „3. Sport Kinetics 1993”, Poznań (Poland)

 Chairman of International Conference Jury: Prof. Dr hab. Peter Hirtz (Germany)

Reconition papers of the next persons:

Robert Szeklicki (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Poznań )

Peer Kopelmann (Germany – University of Greifswald)

Danuta Fostiak (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Gdańsk))

Bogusława Gierat (Poland – University School of P. E. in Katowice)

Iwona Dębczyńska (Poland – University School PE in Poznań – Institute of  Physical Education in Gorzów)

Małgorzata Kitowska (Poland – University School PE in Poznań – Institute PE in Gorzów)

Michał Bajdziński (Poland – University School PE in Poznań – Institut PE in Gorzów)

Wiesława Zanto (Poland – University School of P.E in Poznań )

Mrówczyński (Polska – University School of P.E in Poznań ).

Sponsors of prizers: prof. prof. R. Daugs, R. Grucza, W. Starosta

1995– „4. Sport Kinetics 1995”, Praga (Czechoslovakia) 

1997  „5. Sport Kinetics 1997”, Magdeburg (Germany) 

1999   „6. Sport Kinetics 1999”, Lubljana (Slovenia)  

2001 „7. Sport Kinetics 2001” Tartu (Estonia)

Chairman of International Conference Jury – prof. Dr habil. Peter Hirtz (Germany)

Members: prof. prof. T. Jurimae (Estonia), J. Szopa (Poland), H. Kemper (Netherland), P. Komi (Finland), B. Jośt (Slovenia)

 Reconition papers of the next persons:

  1. W. Biliński (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Wrocław)
  2. S. Czyż (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Wrocław )
  3. K. Kisiel (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Wrocław)
  4. M. Supińska (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Wrocław)
  5. J. Konarski (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Poznań)
  6. W. Brzenczek (Poland – University School of PE in Poznań – Institute of PE in Gorzow)
  7. Z. Witkowski (Poland – University School of Physical Education in Katowice)
  8. S. Lucky-Mavrek (University in Pecs, Hungary)
  9. J. Maestru (University in Tartu, Estonia).

Sponsors of prizers : prof. prof. W. Starosta, T. Jurimae.

 2003 „8. Sport Kinetics 2003” Rydzyna (Poland)

Chairman of International Conference Jury : prof. Dr habil.  P. Hirtz (Germany)

Cups of president of IASK and prizes for oral presentation winn: Mario Baić (University of Zagrzeb, Croatia) and Kristina Birzinyte (Lithuan Academy of Physical Education).

Recognition for the poster presentation for the next persons:

  1. Paweł Cieszczyk (University of Szczecin, Poland)
  2. Justyna Dębicka (Universitytet Szczecin, Poland)
  3. Małgorzata Walczak (University School of Physical Education in Poznań, Poland)
  4. Małgorzata Nowacka (State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno, Poland)
  5. Małgorzata Bąk (State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno, Poland)
  6. Monika Sufinowicz (University School of Physical Education in Poznań, Poland )
  7. Tadeusz Głowacki (State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno, Poland)
  8. Janusz Poła (State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno, Poland)

Sponsors of prizers: prof. prof. W. Starosta, W. Osiński

 2005 „9. Sport Kinetics 2005”, Rimini (Italy)

Chairman of International Conference Jury: prof. Dr habil. W. Osiński (Poland)

Members prof. prof.: R. Malina (USA), F. Merni (Italy)

Cups of president of IASK and prizes for oral presentation received:

  1. Dana Masarykova (University in Bratislava, Slovakia);
  2. Vaida Gulbinskiene (University School of Physical Education in Lithua);
  3. Wanda Forczek (University School of Physical Education in Kraków, Poland);
  4. Angela R. Ventrella (University in Bologna, Italy).

Recognition for poster presentation - cup and prizes received:

  1. M. Massiada (University in Bologna and Cagilar, Italy)
  2. H. Schiefke (University Otto Guericke, Magdeburg, Germany);
  3. M. Ballafiore (University in Palermo, Italy);
  4. M. Camorani (University in Bologna, Italy);
  5. G. Penitente (University in Bologna, Italy);
  6. S. Cairo (University in Bologna, Italy)

Sponsors of prizers: prof. prof. W. Starosta,  S. Squatrito, F. Franceschetti.

2007. 10 th Sport Kinetics Belgrade (Serbia)

2009. 11th IASK International Conference of Sport Kinetics “Current and Future Directions in Human Kinetics Research”, held in Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece.

 Prize Commission for awarding young scientists in two categories: poster and oral presentations. Chairman: Prof. Dr habil. Peter Hirtz.  Its members were: Prof. Prof. Peter Blaser, Wiesław Osiński, Dr Wacław Petryński.

After assessment of all presentations of young scientists who enter for competition, the Commission decided to award following persons:

Poster sessions:

  1. Guido Belli, Italy
  2. Theodora Vasilapolou, Greece
  3. Katarzyna Kucia, Poland

Oral sessions:

  1. Florian Kugler, Germany
  2. Stig Leierdal, Norway
  3. Gaja Liviotti, Germany/Italy
Hits: 14517

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