Conferences under of the auspices IASK 2014
Created: Thursday, 15 May 2014
In Coming time in the 2014 year under the auspices of the IASK take place following scientific conferences:
- The 14th International Scientific Conference : Perspectives In Physical Education And Sport, Constanta, Romania, 23-24.05.2014
- XXth Scientific Conference: “Physical Education and Sport in Scientific Research. Sport Training: Evaluation – Design – Control” Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznań, Poland, 29 May 2014.
- VIth All-Poland Conference: ”Baby swimming”, Szczecin, Poland, 07 June 2014
- International Scientific Conference: Onthogenesis and Health Promotion in the aspects of Medicine, Anthropology and Physical Education” University of Zielona Góra, Poland 16 -17 September 2014
- 3rd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts and 3rd Martial Arts’ Gala, 3rd IMACSSS International Conference (with IMACSSS General Assembly), University of Rzeszów, 15-17 October 2014
If you know about other Conferences and Events please inform us a we will put it on our Website.
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