Prof. em. Dr. habil. Peter Hirtz
Prof. em. Dr. habil. Peter Hirtz (born 11.09.1937)
Emeritus professor of exercise science and training on the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald (Germany). Director of the Institute for Sports Science in Greifswald. Dean of the Faculty of Arts. For many years Vice President of the International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK), Vice Chairman of the Central Working Group for “Sportmotorik” GDR, Deputy Spokesman of the Working Group “Sportmotorik”of the German Association for Sports Science of the Federal Republic of Germany (DVS). Head of the Research Circle "N. A. Bernstein" in Greifswald. Long-time coach in track and field, President of the Track and Field Association of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany).
Member of the editorial boards of several international journals. Co-author of textbooks on the Movement Education (1994; 2003), on teaching movement (2007) and Training Science (2009).
Author of 370 publications. Supervisor of a total of 48 doctoral students. The first publication appeared in 1964 in the journal "Körpererziehung" Berlin: "Agility training classes must be in principle six to nine years of his disciples." One of the last books appeared in 2007 Verlag Hofmann Schorndorf (Germany): "Phenomena of motor development of the people".
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